Pineapple Cucumber Detox Smoothie Recipe For Weight Loss

Pineaple Cucumber Smoothie Recipe. The Detox Formula For Weight Loss

Cucumber sounds untasty to some people. Whenever the name of Cucumber comes into our mind the second thing that comes into our minds is a tasteless and very boring green vegetable. But my idea of looking at the Cucumber changed when I found out the real health benefits of Cucumber and the detox formula it provides for weight loss.

The pineapple is both tasty and healthy food. But the combination or the smoothie of both cucumber and pineapple is just beyond being a fruit and vegetable juice. Before going on to the recipe let’s see some of the health benefits this Pineapple Cucumber Detox smoothie have.

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What Is Detox Or Detoxification?

In short words, Detox is a process in which we remove or flush out toxins from our body. So, Detoxification is a kind of natural process that our kidneys, liver, intestine, and our inner body system do on a day-to-day basis. If the process is natural and our body manages this on itself then, why do you need to have an additional detox program or diet for your body?

Because of our lifestyle, we are exposed to many types of chemicals on daily basis. The pollution, the foods we consume, the cosmetics we use, and other many daily use things which contain very harsh chemicals. We face and are often exposed to toxins. So, we need to detoxify our bodies from time to time.

Do You Even Need To Detox?

There are many circumstances when your body needs detox but you don’t know. Some of the situations are mentioned below. If you too feel any of this, then you also need detoxification.

  • Most of the time you feel irritated.
  • You constantly have your mind upset.
  • If you always feel lacking in energy.
  • If you are all the time depressed or unmotivated.
  • Often you feel acidity and bloating.
  • You have puffy eyes.
  • You continuously have allergies.
  • If you continuously suffer from poor digestion.
  • You have unexplained fatigue.

How does Detox Work?

Detoxification is more of a lifestyle change where you more focus on eating clean and healthy foods. The change in your diet results in the cleansing of the inner body first then your outer body and then nourishing and recharging your body.

The toxins we have in our body are one of the main reasons why you are not able to lose weight even if how hard you are trying to lose weight. You are sweating for hours in the gym and trying different diets still not losing a pound, it is because of the toxins we have in our body that our natural system is not able to flush out.

To Detoxify our body completely we can use many diets and other food changes. Cucumber Pineapple Detox Smoothie is also one of the best detox natural drinks you can try. Below are the various health benefits you will gonna have, you if try the smoothie diet.

There is a rapid 21-day smoothies weight loss program created by health coach Drew Sgoutus. It is quite popular these days and has worked amazingly for its users. Below are some real user feedback testimonials.

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Genuine customer reviews smoothie diet

>>Click Here To More About This 21-Days Rapid Weight Loss Smoothies Recipe Program<<

Health Benefits Of Cucumber

Most of you may don’t know the fact that popularly known as a vegetable but the cucumber is actually a fruit. Very high in nutrients and antioxidants. Very low in calories and filled with water and fiber. These properties of Cucumber makes it one of the perfect food for weight loss.

  • Very High Amount Of Nutrients: 300 Grams of Cucumber (unpeeled) contains 45 Calories,  0(Zero) Grams Of Fat, 11 Grams of Crabs, and 2-2 Grams of fiber and protein each. Additionally, Cucumber has Vitamin-C, Vitamin-K, Manganese, And Potassium. These all elements are very-very important for weight loss and our overall weight loss. Sometimes we have to take medicines to complete the need of the body these all elements but the Cucumber provides all these nutrients naturally.
  • Filled With Antioxidants: Antioxidants are those natural elements that protect our bodies from free radicals.
  • Keeps You Hydrated: It is important for your body o stay hydrated. So, your body can function properly.
  • Helpful In Weight Loss: Almost zero in calories. You can eat plenty of Cucumber without the worry of getting fat. Cucumber makes you feel for longer and thus you don’t end up eating too often.
  • Lowers Blood Sugar Levels: Many studies have found that Cucumber is very helpful in lowering blood sugar levels.

Health Benefits Of Pineapple

Very delicious and filled with natural healthy elements Pineapple is also known as Ananas comosus. There are plenty of health benefits to Pineapple. Here are some of them are given below.

  • High In Nutrients: 165 Grams of Pineapple contains 82.5 Calories and 1.7 grams of fat.  a gram of Protein, 21.6 Grams of carbs, and 2.2 grams of Fibre. Good source of Vitamin C & Vitamin B6. Apart from all these healthy elements, there is plenty of other super healthy nutrients pineapple has like Manganese, Copper, Thiamin, Folate, Potassium, Magnesium, Niacin, Pantothenic acid, Riboflavin, Iron, and many other.
  • Improves Digestion: Pineapple has Bromelain. Which is a group of digestive enzymes helpful for easy digestion. Very helpful for people with pancreatic insufficiency, a body situation in which the pancreas cannot make enough digestive enzymes.
  • Boosts Immunity: You may don’t know but Pineapple has been used for centuries as traditional medicine. Many scientific studies have proven that Pineapple is very helpful in boosting immunity due to the nutrients Pineapple contains.
  • Ease Symptoms of Arthritis: Over 50 million people alone in the United States suffer from Arthritis. There are many different forms of arthritis, but the majority of them include inflammation in joints. And as Pineapple contains Anti-inflammation elements, it is very helpful for people.
  • Helpful In Weight Loss: The elements have properties that can help you in losing weight.

Ingredients For Pineapple Cucumber Smoothie Juice

These all ingredients are for 1 serving. If you want to increase the swerving or want to make more of the Pineapple Cucumber detox drink then respectively increase the number of ingredients.

  • Half cup sliced Cucumber. (unpeeled)
  • One heaping cup of cubed pineapple.
  • Half a large ripe, peeled, and frozen banana.
  • 1/4 Cup of coconut milk.
  • Half cup filtered water.
  • 1 medium-size Lime, Juiced.
  • 1 large handful of kale or spinach.
  • 2-3 Ice-cubs.
Smoothie Diet Review

Making Instructions: Pineapple Cucumber Detox Smoothie Recipe

  • Start with washing the Cucumber and Pineapple properly.
  • Then slice cucumber and pineapple and add in the blender.
  • Then add coconut milk, banana, lime juice, and green veggie( kale or spinach)
  • After all that lastly add the ice cubs or water as per your choice and blend on high for approx 1 minute until it becomes creamy.
  • Your smoothie is ready just pour in the glasses and enjoy your smoothie.

Other Instructions Of Smoothie recipe

  • If you like your smoothies to be thinner then add more ice cubes. And if you like your smoothies thicker then try to add more liquid of your choice.
  • For adjusting the sweetness of the smoothie try to increase or decrease the amount of banana and pineapple. For more see taste add more and to decrease the sweetness decrease the amount of banana and pineapple.
  • It is advised to consume the detox smoothie immediately after making it. Or you can save it for later in the fridge. But not for more than 20-24 hours. (Nutrition of the smoothie degrades as more time passes.)
  • If you want a more creamy smoothie, it is suggested to use canned light coconut milk. And if you like to have a lighter detox smoothie then use the beverage from coconut water.
  • For added protein, you can add 1 or 2 tbsp of chia seeds or your favorite protein powder.

Nutrition From Pineapple Cucumber Smoothie

All the nutritions mentioned below are from the 1 serving of pineapple cucumber smoothie.

Trans Fat0 G
Saturated Fat3 G
Fat3.9 G
Cholesterol0 G
Protein5.2 G
Sodium79 MG
Fiber7.9 G
Sugar28 G
Carbohydrates52.2 G

Benefits Of Cucumber Pineapple Detox Smoothie

Apart from weight loss, there are plenty of other health benefits of having a smoothie diet. And besides being a very healthy drink smoothie have many benefits. Some of the benefits are given below.

  • Very Easy To Make: The whole recipe would not take more than 5-8 minutes of your time.
  • Healthy Drink: As the smoothie is made purely from all-natural ingredients it is a totally healthy drink.
  • Helpful In Detox: It is definitely a detox drink for sure. It has all the antioxidants and anti-inflammation elements in it.
  • Vitamin & Nutrition Rich: As we have mentioned above how much nutrition you are gonna get from this cucumber pineapple smoothie recipe?
  • Energy Booster: One of the main benefits you will start to see early, after going on the smoothie diet is that you feel amazing and more energetic.
  • Tasty: One of the benefits is that not only being a healthy drink for us but a smoothie drink is also very tasty.

There is a program called 21-Day smoothies diet weight loss program. It has been proved very beneficial for thousands of its users for weight loss and detoxification of your body. You can read our genuine review of the smoothie diet and take benefits from this rapid weight loss program.


Bromelain | NCCIH

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